


英文教師資格 商用英語會話馬刺克雷霆 NBA西區奪冠

(路透奧克拉荷馬市31日電)美國職籃NBA聖安東尼奧馬刺隊(Spurs)今天固守城池,以112比107力克奧克拉荷馬市雷霆隊(Thunder),以4勝2敗戰績贏得西區冠軍,晉級NBA總冠軍賽,將再度與邁阿密熱火隊(Heat)對決。客軍馬刺控球後衛派克(Tony Parker)因腳踝痠痛下半場休兵,只能靠板凳深度力撐,最後由長青樹強力前鋒鄧肯(Tim Duncan)挺身而出,率隊在延長賽贏得最後勝利。雷霆在第4節大力反攻,在杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)和威斯布魯克(Russell Westbrook)領軍下追平落後12分差距。威斯布魯克兩罰兩中,在正規時間結束時將比數追成101比101。這場激戰打破這系列比賽的模式,前5場比賽都是由地主大勝客軍,平均差距約20分。中央社(翻譯)■ 時事民調/NBA總冠軍戰周五開打,請問你看好哪一隊奪冠? Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 May 31, 2014; Oklahoma City, OK, USA; Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kevin Durant (35) loses the ball during a shot attempt against San Antonio Spurs guard Danny Green (4) during the fourth quarter in ... 較多May 31, 2014; Oklahoma City, OK, USA; Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kevin Durant (35) loses the ball during a shot attempt against San Antonio Spurs guard Danny Green (4) during the fourth quarter in game six of the Western Conference Finals of the 2014 NBA Playoffs at Chesapeake Energy Arena. Mandatory Credit: Mark D. Smith-USA TODAY Sports 較少 1 / 30 Reuters | 拍攝者 Mark D. Smith / Reuters 2014年6月1日週日 台北標準時間下午1時50分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image

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